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domenica 24 ottobre 2010

Chanel Les Khakis: cheap alternatives #2

A few days ago I've showned you some cheap alternatives for Chanel's f/w collection Les Khakis, from Essie and Models Own.
Today I'd like to show you three other dupes, from and italian brand: Pupa Milano.

The colors are part of their f/w 2010 collection, called Baroque Couture, and are sold (in Italy) at € 5,90. Pretty cheap don't you think?

domenica 24 ottobre 2010

China Glaze Holographic Top Coat

Brand: China Glaze
Price: $ 5,90
Type: Effect Top Coat
Name: Wireless Holographic

I'm not a big fan of top coats.. I'm too lazy, as I said reviewing Essie Matte About You. I really like the ones that gives particular effects though, as this Holographic by China Glaze.

It has a microglitter slightly colored finish, that changes like the base nail polish color.

Here you can see the swatches:

In this first picture you can see the difference on the nail polish (which is Catrice London Forecast Weather) with and without the top coat.

Here instead you can see the complete nailart, with a Konad stamp with Special Nailpolish in Black.

giovedì 21 ottobre 2010

Nailart Inspiration #1

Bubblegum by Emerald Sparkled
I'm in love with this! Great colors and great effect, maybe one of the best nailarts seen this year, even though it's so simple. Trincess used Alix Alien #60 as a white base, and then applied the pink dots with the back of a brush using China Glaze Sugar High, Heli-Yum, Pool Party, Flip-Flop Fantasy and a franken made by her.

Cherry Lace by CucumPear
Lately I've liked a lot the shine / matt contrast. CucumPear here used this contrast with a diagonal nailart. She used Essence Purple Cherry as a base, with a Seche Vite top coat, and then colored half of the nail black with a Spooky Nails nailart pen. She after applied Essence Matt Top Coat on the other half.

Sinful Color Maghony with Striprite by Deez Nails
The name of this nailart say it all!

martedì 19 ottobre 2010

Catrice London Forecast Weather

Brand: Catrice
Price: 2,50 €
Retailer: Douglas
Type: Cream nail polish
Name: 208 London Forecast Weather

You can call this nail polish a "souvenir". Yes, I'm not joking. I bought this during summer holiday, when I was in Berlin. How can you leave a beautiful shade like this, when it costs only 2,50 €? I couldn't.

I don't know if this brand is sold in Italy as well, I'll have to check the Douglas store in my city, since that's where I bought it in Germany.

Moving on to the polish, here's the swatch, taken in sunlight (not that bright though) exposure:

This is a mid-dark tone of grey, with little blue reflection. (You can see them clickin' on the image to enlarge it). The consistency is cream, and it only needed one coat to have this effect. Really good coverage!

I bought also a coral from this brand, which I'll review lately in the week!

Also, I've opened a "Swap" section, as you can see in the upper right corner of the page. Since a lot of brands aren't sold (or have high shipping costs) here in Italy I offer to buy some italian products in exchange of the foreign one! Hope you like it :)

domenica 17 ottobre 2010

Models Own for Fall 2010

It's a common thing that smaller companies use colors very similar to the ones of haute couture maison lately. The cheap alternative I'd like you to look at, is the one provided by Models Own, precisely the nail polishes Grace Green, Becca's Brown and Purple Ash (in the first row). Aren't they similar to Chanel's Khaki collection?

Call me crazy, but I like the Models Own version better, not only for the price. MO nail polishes are sold for £ 5.00 (with discount when bought in groups of 3 or 5), and Chanel's are now available only on Ebay or so on, touching $ 50!

Btw, I found other similarities, precisely with Essie Fall 2010 collection:

How gorgeous is Merino Cool? They're sold for $ 8, so the same price of the MOs, as in todays value converter.

Which one do you like most?

domenica 17 ottobre 2010

Kiko Viola Blu

Price: € 1.90 / € 3,90
Brand: Kiko Cosmetics Milano
Type: nail polish

This is one of my favourites Kiko nail polish, and it's part of its permanent collection. It is a bright violent, with some blue microglitter, visible only on direct sunlight. It has quite a great quality, since it lasts more than a week, and has a good coverage. To obtain the color below I used two coats.

With natural direct light you can see clearly the microglitter.

With artificial light the color has warmer tones.

domenica 17 ottobre 2010

Essie Matte About You

Price: $ 10
Brand: Essie
Type: Top Coat

I don't use top coats that much, simply cause I'm really lazy. I use them only if I know a nail polish won't last more than a few days, or if I want a particular finish, like this one, or the one that can be obtained with the Holographic of China Glaze.

This effect is called "matte" or also "ceramic effect" and it has been a prerogative of American brand since this year, with the launch of similar products from the european Rimmel and Essence.

Here's the swatch, using Kiko Viola Blu as base color. On the left there's the plain nail polish, on the right the effect with the top coat. Only one coat and less than 10 seconds to dry!!

Since my picture isn't that good, here's a fabolous swatch by Scrangie, using Essie nail polish as base:

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The Beauty Meeting Place offers nail polish swatches, product reviews, Konad stamping examples and makeup ideas.

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